Mantra: Resetting the Mind

Many of us are aware of word mantra, some chant mantra, some are walking to their spiritual journey through mantra, and some want to get benefit of health and to fulfil their desires through mantra.
We have listened about it so many times. Some may have heard of it, for some it’s a new word :) or world :)

Welcome all.
Lets understand some basics about mantra, meaning of mantra, how mantra works and the science behind mantra.

What is Mantra/Meaning of Mantra

Mantra is formed by two words i.e. 'man' and 'tra'. According to one etymology ‘man’ is mind and ‘tra’ is protection/a tool . So mantra is protection of mind or a mind tool.
From what mind needs to get protected? For what this tool is needed?
The answer is... to get freedom from duality, confusion and conflicts, trapping in emotions, bondage, attachment and so many diseases of mind which further leads to disease in the body in gross form.

The other definition says “Mananaat Traayate Iti Mantrah” 
It means that by repetition 'mananat' of which, you overcome 'trayate' (overcoming from bondage/troubles/cycles of birth and death) is 'iti' called Mantra.

It is a sacred utterance, a sound, a syllable, word. Constant repetition of which liberates you. 

In my words, it is the food that fulfils the hunger of soul. It is that drop of water which calms down the thirst of seeker.

In hindu philosophy, the origin of mantra is said to be the most ancient text Veda. For example, one of the most popular mantra that is, Gayatri Mantra is mentioned in Rigveda.
According to Mimamsa Philosophy (one of the indian philosophy), Mantra is incantations invoking the presence of deities during the rites.
Shaiva Siddhant believes the ritual worship of Shiva, they believe one can achieve the liberation through the initiation by the guru, who is the human expression of deity. And this initiation
Gheranda Samhita (one of yogic text) talks about the recitation of bija mantra in nadi shodhana pranayama and sagarbha sahit pranayama

Except Hinduism mantra exists in others schools too like Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, etc.

How Mantra Works?

The very nature of mind is to think. As we all have experienced and still experiencing that so many thoughts come and go. Some become the cause of worry, anxiety, depression etc. And there are some thoughts that make us happy and excited.
So when thought and we become one we are worried or excited. And then we are not able to disconnect ourselves from these thoughts.

Breaking the Mind Loop 

It’s the nature of mind to think, not ours. So when we do not get involved with thoughts we can remain calm and peaceful. And that’s what Mantra does.

When we chant mantra we break the mind’s pattern of thinking. We are now focusing on uttering the mantra that means connection with all other thoughts is cut. This is how, we get command on mind, previously we are flowing with mind and thoughts. Now we are commanding mind to think, to reflect, to focus on the mantra. 

Scientific View 

Everything in this universe is in a state of vibration so we are.

Mantra is a sound, a syllable, a vibration. These are structured so well that the sound of each and every mantra affects our body and mind.

So chanting mantra is like tuning ourselves to some vibration that mantra is producing. We are invoking the positive power contained in those syllables of mantra that we are chanting. We can create the vibrations by uttering sounds in certain pattern. When we say all is sound, so imagine what a mantra (sound of mantra) can create. It’s a creation itself.

When a thought gets repeated, it arises that same condition. Like “nobody cares for me, I am all alone” will give rise to those conditions where “nobody cares for you and you are left all alone” which ultimately firm your thought again. So the loop is formed which will lead to depression. And now who is the cause of this depression. We can cut this loop and fill ourselves with positivity.

When there is discomfort in body or mind, like we are suffering from some physiological and psychological disorder that indicates the vibration of that particular area is disturbed and we need to correct that vibration of that area. Chanting mantra is like giving healing or correcting vibrations of that area. For this one need to have the knowledge of the mantras what he or she needs accordingly. There are different mantras for different purpose.
For example, the 24 syllabus that the Gayatri Mantra is made of correspond to the 24 vertebraes of the spinal column.

This is the small introduction about mantras. We will cover it further in detail. 
